
Thinking of taking the initiation?

Initiation into the practice of Guhyasamaja Akshobhyavajra cannot be taken as a blessing. It therefore represents a long term commitment to dealing with your own unenlightened mind using the particular methods and understanding of Buddhist tantra. If you are thinking of taking the initiation but are unsure please consider the following.

"You are committing yourself to your own future full enlightenment and that of all beings - no matter how long it takes"

In order to take a highest yoga tantra initiation you will take Refuge, Bodhicitta and Tantra vows and commitments. To check whether you feel you can work with these standards to gradually change your mind please see what the following two web sites have to say about the vows and commitments and tantric practice in general.

If you have not yet generated a mind of taking refuge in the three jewels or have taken refuge but are not familiar with the ideas of aspiring and engaging bodhicitta and you still wish to attend the initiation please discuss your interest with Gordon at Jamyang Buddhist Centre. His email is

One wise gentle lama, when asked "What am I getting into? What am I committing myself to?", replied "You are committing yourself to your own future full enlightenment and that of all beings - no matter how long it takes".

If you have already taken refuge and bodhicitta vows and commitments but are unfamiliar with tantra style practice and have not received initiation into a tantra practice before check your motivation for wanting to attend this one and check with your spiritual teacher.

Does your motivation come out of a wish to sort out your own unenlightened mind and to transform spiritually so as to help others sort out theirs? Or something like it?

If so then why not be honest and brave and trust in your own capacity and potential to become fully enlightened for the sake of all beings by taking this initiation.

Book your place at the initiation event